London riots, financial crisis, capitalism and new authoritarian regimes

Here are a few links to videos I've been watching online. First of all, the London riots. The first link is a sound byte whilst the second is a more organic documentary claiming that severe government cuts brought chaos to the streets of London.

After you have watched the above go check out the Flickr set the Metropolitian Police has uploaded with photos and footage from CCTV cameras. You can see a passer by trying to stop looting, a gang stealing a bike pushing the cyclist to the floor, another group entering an arcade and stealing from the employees' bags, cops getting run over by a car.

To finish off Zizek gets bombarded with images and comments upon them, ending his reasoning with the bleak prospect of the spread of Berlusconi like regimes. He argues for a radicalisation of the left for liberalism to be saved by the growth of a populist right wing

Well, enough food for thought. I need a video of a runnig cat, maybe with a Coldplay song, oh I have found one. I won't embed it so you can get lost in the world of You Tube. Kittens running on cat exercise wheel part 1